We accompany
urban development
actors and communities
in the journey towards
socially just cities
in a sustainable world
Urban Transcripts is an international network of experts on cities and their development coming from architecture, planning and the social sciences. Our work is driven by a vision to make our cities more socially just in a world that is sustainable. In partnership with urban development stakeholders we have over the last 10 years undertaken a diversity of work including urban laboratories, programme design and training for local and metropolitan government, research and policy work for trans-national partnerships, and awarded urban design proposals. We consult on and proactively initiate work we believe can have a transformative impact on our cities. We publish The Urban Transcripts Journal.
We develop, manage, evaluate and improve, strategies, programmes and projects, to meaningfully engage with and successfully respond to the complex challenges our cities are facing
We explore how people, spaces and policies can enable more just and sustainable cities.
We believe in empowering people to participate as peers in the making of their cities.
We solve complex problems through trans-disciplinary collaborations and cross-sector partnerships.
We seek to understand the particularities of places and cultures our work is situated in.
We enjoy creating tools to learn new things from cities and their people.
Clients and partners